GC Viewer

This feature is introduced to show GC logs related information in the UI. This feature helps you to analyze GC logs in a better way from the UI. You only have to select the GC file and it displays all the required information. To access these, go to the Action panel and select GC viewer.

This displays the GC Viewer window. In the GC Viewer window, select the GC file to analyze. You can download the GC file from the server or analyze GC logs from local.

Download GC File from Server

Select tier, server, and click the Download GC File   button.

Figure 75: GC Manager Window

Provide the file name with the absolute path.

Figure 76

Analyze GC log from Local

Click the Analyze GC Logs From Local  button and select the file from your system.

Figure 77: Analyze GC Log From Local

GC Logs Details

  1. JVM Memory Size: The JVM heap is physically divided into two parts (or generations): nursery (or young space/young generation) and old space (or old generation). The nursery is a part of the heap reserved for allocation of new objects. When the nursery becomes full, garbage is collected by running a special young collection, where all the objects that have lived long enough in the nursery are promoted (moved) to the old space, thus freeing up the nursery for more object allocation.
    • Young generation
    • Old generation
    • Total
Figure 78: JVM Memory Size

2. Key Performance Indicator: It displays information about the application’s Garbage Collection overhead. GC Pause Time for every GC Run is available in GC File and is displayed in various ranges (slabs).

    • Throughput
    • Latency
Figure 79: Key Performance Indicator
  1. GC Time: Provide breakup of Concurrent/Pause phases. Pause phases cause the application threads to pause.
    • Pause Time
    • Concurrent Time
Figure 80: GC Time
  1. GC Causes: Every GC collection might vary concerning the current situation in the system and memory state. They all are known as GC Causes.
Figure 81: GC Causes
  1. Collection Phase Stats: It displays collection phase details, such as: GC type, count, average time, minimum time, maximum time, and total time.
Figure 82: Collection Phase Stats
  1. Object Stats: It displays information about the size of objects that were created/promoted during the GC.
Figure 83: Object Stats
  1. Specified GC Graphs: Below Graph-based data is displayed for Heap sizes before and after GC as well as Time Taken for each GC Run and Bytes Reclaimed in each GC.
  • Heap Usage
Figure 84: Heap Usage
  • Reclaimed Bytes
Figure 85: Reclaimed Bytes
  • Pause GC Duration Time
Figure 86: Pause GC Duration Time